Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So in LOVED!!!

I am soooo in loved.......... With TURQUOISE!!!

My housemate / classmate / friend came in my room today and was like....Wow... i see Turquoise~
YESH! I have Turquoise all over the place!!! It's my favourite color!!! LOVE IT!!!
And so i gather some of the stuff in my room and snapped a picture~ These are some of my Turquoise color stuff~

Cant help it..The color just jumps out at me...I still have the shoes and my nails that is also in Turquoise color.....LOVE them~ AHHH~ dream come true to have the Urbanears headphones with that color... Given from a friend of mine as a birthday gift~ Thank you so much!!!

And so you can also follow my instagram if you want to~ it is more happening actually..will maybe spam your wall? kimberlyhii.


Unknown said...

Quite expensive you bought the headset right ?

Kimberly Hii said...

@Icebin Tan Urbandears headphones. It's around rm 299...but my friend got it for me as a birthday present...